Breaking Bread Breaking Bread Friends and members of St Patrick’s It’s been an interesting and busy fall season, and we are poised to go into the holidays. Let me reminisce a little and then invite us all to look ahead.
One definite highlight was the annual visitation of Bishop Marty, which once again included the parish picnic. We met on Loon Lake at the home of Ann and Tom LePage, and benefitted also from her update on the General Convention and the election of the new Presiding Bishop.
One aspect that was personally very meaningful for me was the special Holy Cross Day celebration on Sunday. We used a rite that I have been trying to introduce into the Episcopal Church, using a basil-bedecked cross for blessing the four corners of the world. I am very appreciative of the Bishop’s support in this project, and was happy to see her officiate at it for the first time.
Healing services have become a regular event at St Patrick’s. Each month on the last Sunday anyone who desires laying on of hands and anointing with healing oil is invited to stay after the ten AM service. This brief liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer is always moving to participate in, and seems to be meeting a need in our congregation. Diocesan Convention was October 4-6, in Helena. Our delegates were Tom and Ann LePage and Beth Schomber. We met people from other parts of the diocese, elected leaders, and adopted a budget for 2025. The resolution that sparked the most discussion was sponsored by Holy Spirit parish in Missoula, calling on Montana Episcopalians to stand with refugees and asylum seekers. It passed with a wide margin. We have begun talking about this in Vestry, to find ways to honor the request of Convention. Let me add that I always enjoy spending time with parish delegates—it’s a great way to get to know people better.
The annual Blessing of Animals on October 5 was led by Canon Bradley Wirth this year, as I was off in Helena for the convention. This is a very practical way to show our love of God’s creation, and I appreciate Bradley’s availability for the blessing ceremony.
Monthly Ladies Luncheons have become a regular feature at St Patrick’s. We have Jean Walker to thank for starting them up. From what I hear, participants have a great time! Many thanks to Susan Pierson for serving as coordinator during the winter season.
Last but not least Janet and I had a great adventure at the end of October. We joined twocollege friends on a river cruise, down the Danube in Central Europe. This was eye-opening in many ways, and a lovely change of pace. There’s a lot of history in that beautiful part of the world. I came home with a much greater appreciation for the Empress Maria Theresa, for instance. Ask me about her at coffee hour and I will try to explain my enthusiasm. Also we rode e-bikes in Vienna—our first ever exposure to this modern form of transportation. Would we do it again? I’m not sure. But once was fun, and very memorable.